
Neonatal calf diarrhea, also known as scours, is one of the most common calfhood illnesses and can be a big problem for producers. Calf scours are caused by viruses, bacteria, parasites, or can be brought on by stress, but not by feeding too much milk or milk replacer.

Scours can prove to be deadly for young calves as they experience rapid loss of water and electrolytes and quickly dehydrate.

Neonatal diarrhea
Scours can prove to be deadly for young calves as they experience rapid loss of water and electrolytes and quickly dehydrate.

Causes of scours
Where did the calf get exposed? If a calf becomes sick in the first five days, infection most likely happened in the maternity pen. If calves become sick once they’re more than seven days old, they were likely exposed to infection in their own environment, the calf pen.

Dehydration can quickly kill a calf. Assessing dehydration frequently and offering electrolytes in addition to milk or milk replacer is essential to helping calves overcome scours.